I specifically remember this moment while I was in Sudan last December where I turned to my leader and announced "I just want God to give me a challenge!" Slowly, Candyce turned to look at me and said: "Be careful what you pray for."
.Never were there truer words.
.Since signing on as a fulltime missionary with Y.W.A.M. on April 29th, I've spent over thirty hours on the road, I've packed and unpacked my bags almost ten times, and I've only spent about nine of the last twenty days actually on the YWAM Salem base.
But this is the way I like it. This is the kind of life I've always prayed for. And this is only the beginning! Tomorrow I'll be packing up my bags again and getting ready to start a whole new adventure...
.I'm going to Haiti!
The République d'Haïti is the poorest country in the Americas, and since the earthquake last January, many areas have been completely devastated. Where I will be spending the next three months, in the capital city of Port-au-Prince, more than 150,000 people were killed by the 7.0 earthquake, and buried in mass graves. Countless government buildings, businesses, and homes alike where destroyed, leaving hundreds of thousands of Haitians homeless.
Since that fateful day last January, nations all over the world have risen up to help Haiti in it's hour of need. Much of the rubble has been cleared, survivors found, dead buried. But while many agree that the country has left the initial stage of crisis, the work of rebuilding has just begun, as the hundreds of thousands of homeless, orphans, and starving survivors call out for help!
God has opened the door for me to be one of the those who answer this call. On June 2nd, I will be flying in to Port-au-prince and meeting up with three other missionaries sent out from YWAM Salem. Together, we will be hosting four different American youth groups as they come to Haiti this summer to help.
My greatest need right now is for prayer warriors to come behind me and fight the battle that can only be won before God on our knees! At the moment, these are my prayer requests:
1. For health and safety while traveling and living in Haiti.
2. Unity in our team, and blessed relations with our contacts in Haiti.
3. That God would go before us and open the doors that He wants us to go through.
4. That many Haitians would see Christ in us and accept Him as their Savior!
5. That the teenagers we are working with will press into God, let this experience change their lives, and draw them closer to Him!
It's a sad fact in life that Internet connection in Haiti can be a monster, but I will try my best to keep you all updated on what we are doing in Haiti!
Thank you, Amanda. I am and will continue to pray for you. I love you!